Ottawa Valley Roller Derby is a WFTDA certified, full-contact, flat-track, roller derby league based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Historically we are a merge or amalgamation of two Ottawa-based leagues: Rideau Valley Roller Derby and Capital City Derby Dolls. 

Our vision:
We come together united to be known and respected as a fun and competitive league that holds the wellbeing of our community members at top priority. We strive to create a culture that is encouraging, hard working, and inclusive for all. 

We are a non-profit collective run by the members, for the members.
Want more info? E-mail info@ottawavalleyrollerderby.com.

Who can join OVRD?
Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join our league as a player, official, or coach. (Those under 18 can join Ottawa Junior Roller Derby) Anyone over the age of 16 can volunteer at one of our home games. You can find more information about how to join us as a player (new, transferring, or visiting), as an official, or as a volunteer

What is the time commitment to being a member of OVRD?
We won’t sugar coat it — roller derby can be quite time consuming, especially if you want to play at the highest competitive level, but that’s not for everyone. We generally have two or three practices a week and members are also expected to be on at least one committee and help run our home games in the summer. While 100% attendance is not realistic and therefore not expected, we do ask league members to attend as many practices and events as possible, safely. We ask that anyone who is sick not attend practice even off skates. The competitive level teams (travel teams) have higher attendance requirements but those are set by the coaches and captains. 

How much does it cost to be a member of OVRD?
There is an annual membership fee of $60 per year to be eligible to participate in and vote on league business. In addition, all OVRD players pay league dues of $50 per month. Our dues pay for practice space rental and the purchase of game supplies and equipment.